Friday, November 18, 2016

Reflections Winners!

Mark's photo he entered for photography!
Reflections is always super-busy around here partially because we require our kids to enter in at least two categories, but mostly because Mom runs the whole program at Dry Creek and works as a judge at Highland. This year she did awesome, and so did the boys.

Mark entered at Highland in the categories of photography and film. The theme was "What IS Your Story," and Mark took a picture of a tree with a whole lot of tiny holes in it. He didn't win an award for the picture, but he did for his film. The film was really cool because he asked a whole bunch of people "What's Your Story?" He had lots of diverse people and ideas in the video, and it won an Award of Excellence and will move on to the next level.

Mark got to shake Mr. Hodson's hand. We sure love him!
Mr. Hodson told Mark that if he had been in his photograph it would have won, too! 
Seth really wanted to be in this picture.
We are so proud of Mark! You can see his film below.

Dax's picture of a tree that was bent in half won an Award of Excellence and moved on to the next level! He was so silly go up to accept his award. He slumped his shoulders and trudged up and then acted as if he didn't know how to shake Mr. Rencher's hand. He did much better when he went up the second time to receive another Award of Excellence for his art project, which showed a boy looking through binoculars at a lazuli bunting. We were really proud of our boys (and Mom)!
Dax's photo that won an Award of Excellence this year.
Dax really hates being in front of people.
He's not going to shake Mr. Rencher's hand.
Figuring it out....
Much better the 2nd time! We are so proud of Dax, too! 
Dax's drawing that won in Visual Arts.
Dad was secretly snapping pictures of Mom running the Reflections show!
Update: Mark won an award of merit (3rd place) in the Lone Peak Cluster for his video! We are so proud of him, and he really liked getting a bigger trophy!


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