Saturday, March 31, 2018

Day Off From School

I love adventuring with these boys!!
Every year in March we have a day off from school. Randy heads to teacher meetings, and the boys and I get to play. For many years we went to the zoo because we have a pass, but we don't have a zoo pass anymore so we had to come up with a new plan.

We kicked off the day by stopping at Krispy Kreme to get some free donuts. The boys get 6 donuts each for earning good grades. Luckily, Mark and Dax are always willing to share, so Seth and I enjoyed a donut, too.
Good grades always pay off!
Next we headed to the Bean Museum. There was an exhibit about this huge snake called the Titanoboa that we wanted to see. If that snake still existed, I would live in terror my whole life. We did enjoy learning about how they discovered it in South America, and other interesting facts about the Titanoboa. We walked around the rest of the museum as well, even the basement! The boys are so funny because they love looking in the bird room and the President Packer area that shows his wood carvings the most. I would guess most kids don't even want to walk in those areas.
We always love visiting the BYU Bean Museum.
Help them escape!! 
AAAHHHH! Horrifying!
We love seeing the different animals in the museum.
Mark and Dax moved ants around for almost 30 minutes. 
We don't always make it down to the basement, but they really wanted to go see the Utah animals. 
Especially the cougars!
We also made a stop at the BYU dinosaur museum. We hadn't planned to stop, but Seth had to go to the bathroom two minutes after leaving the Bean Museum, so we pulled into the dino museum for a potty break. We figured since we were inside, we might as well walk around. Even though this museum is small, we are always impressed with the fossils. There was even a worker cleaning off fossil bones that we were able to watch. The boys had a lot of fun.
Everyone needed a picture of the dinosaur trying to eat them. 
Dax, too!
I wonder what is being said in this conversation.
This skull is way bigger than Seth!
Just pretending that this dino bone is a boat. Mark and Dax are rowing, and Seth is falling out!
Then we rounded off the day with a trip to the dentist. Everyone had great teeth, and no cavities. We are still hoping Dax will lose a tooth, but I'm worried that Seth is going to lose one first. The race is on!
The boys love the dentist. Ok, Seth loves the dentist, Mark is neutral, and Dax is not a fan!

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