Saturday, March 31, 2012

Blog Awards

When Randy and I decided to create a blog a little over a year ago, I didn't think that we would win a blog award. In fact, our other blog was created first because we wanted a resource to pass on to people like us who were always looking for fun things to do with their children. Then we decided to create a more personal blog for our family to enjoy. But today, this blog received an award, and if I want . . . I can accept two awards. So of course, I am accepting both because I figured after a night of waking up every 2 hours with my almost 3 year old who is having some bathroom issues I deserved a little recognition for surviving the night. This award came from my sister-in-law(whose blog is very entertaining to read by the way), but hey, it's an award none the less. This award asks that I share seven interesting things about me, my blog, or whatever.  So here goes. . . 

Seven Things You Probably Don't Know About Me

1. I watch Star Trek with my husband. We have started at the beginning of the series and are watching through every single episode. We began this addiction by watching all 10 Star Trek Movies, and we were hooked. So we continued on with the TV show. It has been a lot of fun, but I don't often want to admit that I am a Trekkie! :)

2. I know every single Boston Red Sox player. In order to survive in this house with all boys, I have to know my sports. And it is important to my husband that we can have a discussion about sports. So I know my fair share about every sport, but since the Red Sox are his and our son Mark's passion, I know all the players and a lot of other random information about the team. Don't get me wrong--I enjoy it, and maybe that is the part that I don't like to admit.

3. I lose to Mark in the game Sorry almost every time. No matter how many times we play, he wins. It's hard to lose so often to a 5 year old, especially when he has learned to trash talk from his dad, but I have to remember that it's good for his self-esteem.

4. I hate bananas. I will eat just about every fruit or vegetable, but since I was a kid I have hated bananas. They have the most disgusting texture, and I can't get over it. My mom says that I devoured them up until the time I was five, but after that I gave up on bananas. So please, don't bring me any banana bread. Well, I take that back . . . bring it for my poor family who loves it but I can rarely bring myself to make it.

5. I have a book buying problem. Whenever the book orders from preschool come home, Randy groans. I think it is the teacher in me that wants to have a million books for my children to read. Thankfully they love to read, but they probably don't need a new book every day of the year. So I have really tried to be better this year. . .  and it has been a real struggle. I figure it's better than a shoe buying problem which I definitely don't have since I only own about 10 pair.

6. I get a little bit crazy once it gets late. Okay, a lot crazy. After about 11:00 PM, I start to giggle at everything, and this often leads to tears because I am laughing so hard. I just can't stay up late. . . I have always preferred "early to bed and early to rise." When I am pregnant, this time moves up to about 9:30/10:00 and everything becomes more intense. My family has always teased me about it, but it's out of my hands. Randy, who is a night owl, thinks I am insane, and I probably am.

7. I love spending time with my family. This is probably something you already knew about me, but I would much rather hang out with Randy and the boys then go on a girls' night out or out on my own. I know most people need their own time, and that is fine for them, but I love spending 100% of my time with my family. That is why Randy and I run these blogs together and everything is about my family. They are awesome!

We aren't big blog readers, but we want to pass this on to our family and friends that we diligently follow. Hopefully, they will want to participate, too (check out my sister in law's blog for more info on these "awards").

(These two blogs are both by my good friend Angee, but we couldn't decide which one we liked better, so we are awarding both!)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Kinds of Things I Think About . . .

Hey, this is Randy.

I was thinking about words with double letters today. I was wondering how many letters of the alphabet I can think up a word with a double letter for. You know, "rabbit" for b, "raccoon" for either c or o. I came up with 24 of the letters (I won't spoil it for you) if you count Arabic words for jj and yy. One stipulation was that I didn't count names like "Hawaii" or abbreviations like www.

I thought for a really long time about the two I couldn't do. (All right, actually I didn't think about qq that much-- I figured it's hopeless.) I did think about xx for a long time, though. This is what I came up with: Ex-xenophobe. It's not in the dictionary-- not even the 6-inch thick one I have by my bedside, but xenophobe means "someone afraid of, or who shows hatred toward a foreign culture." What if you were no longer someone who was afraid of or hated foreigners? Would you be an ex-xenophobe. Does the dash disqualify it as an xx word.

What do you think?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Most people don't know that we chose our building lot based on bird-watching. It's true, though. We loved the idea of looking out our kitchen window to see all kinds of birds in the cattle field. We even reversed our house plan to put the kitchen on that side.

Sometimes we get lucky. These pictures taken out of our bay window by the table show a pair of sandhill cranes that've been hanging out for the last few days. We're hoping they are going to nest.

I think mom (Grandma Ockey) would've especially liked these pics.

Friday, March 2, 2012

10 Apples Up On Top!

Today was Dr. Seuss's birthday. Natalie put together some great activities for the boys including: making Cat in the Hat hats, reading tons of books, watching Seuss movies, and playing Seuss-inspired games. When I got home, Dax really wanted to hear the book 10 Apples Up on Top. I read it and asked Dax how many apples he thought he could carry up on top. "Probably just 4," he said. Well, turns out he could only hold 1.

And soon he was eating that one--well, he did switch his red apple for a yellow one.

Mark managed to hold 3 apples up on top! (but only for about 3 seconds).



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