Thursday, January 31, 2019

Pinewood Derby

Nice Smile Dax!
I was looking through our photos from last year and realized that we never shared about Dax's Pinewood Derby. Due to the end of Cub Scouts, there won't be too many of these left, so we need to document them now. Dax designed and built his car with a little help from Uncle Glen and from Dad. The car turned out awesome!
Dax was so excited to watch all the races!
Dax consistently placed second in most of his races, but had a great time. Dax ended up taking 5th place overall which is definitely the best that any Ockey car has ever done, and was awarded the Best Homemade Car. We kind of laughed at that award because aren't all of these cars homemade? But it's okay because it was a great night!
Dax was proud of his car. 
He got a racecar made out of candy!
Seth was determined to race Mark's old pinewood derby car, and luckily he got a chance at the end of the meet. It didn't go very far since most of the weights have been pulled off and used for more recent cars, but he was just happy to send it down the track. Mark also made a car for a youth activity, so all the boys were happy. Mark's car was a Red Sox Car and raced pretty fast. Mom didn't get pictures of these last two events. Oops!
Dax Ockey = 5th place!

1 comment:

  1. I beg to differ about the "Ockey" car. Noah won the Pinewood Derby 3 years in a row and once for the entire city! Kate placed first this year in the Powderpuff Derby and Kori was 4th. Kori also raced at a car dealership and won $100 for her fast car! Now, I know their last name isn't Ockey, but they are pretty much the same amount of Ockey as your kids are...


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