Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Simply Queen

Mark got tickets to see Simply Queen, a tribute band, for his birthday. Luckily, he got five tickets from Mom and Dad so his entire family could go. We've been waiting for nearly two months and finally Labor Day arrived. The concert was at the outdoor arena at the Scera Shell, and we got there about an hour early.
We were thrilled to see the Queen tribute band.
We love the concerts at Scera Shell.
It was a popular concert. Lots of people!!
It was a beautiful night, but the concert didn't start until eight o'clock. When the band finally came out, we didn't notice them looking exactly like Queen. Then they started to play, and we were convinced they were pretty good. They played all of our favorite songs, and even though the crowd was full with elderly people, the kids got pretty excited. Only Seth was a little grumpy, probably because he didn't understand how to behave at his first concert and it was after his bedtime.

During the encore, Dad took Mark and Dax right down to the stage and we took some pictures of the faux Freddie Mercury. Mostly we clapped, stomped, and sang our lungs out as all the boys know most of Queen's songs. It was a pretty exciting night!
The band played really well!
It was fun to see all of Freddy Mercury's outfits!
The boys loved sneaking down closer at the end of the concert.
They were right next to the stage!
Dad needs practice on selfies.
It was a fun concert and now all we listen to is Queen!

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