Sunday, September 3, 2023

Seth's Birthday

Seth is such a handsome kid.

Seth's Birthday was celebrated in Grand Teton National Park this year, but he deserves his own birthday post, too. Seth turned 11 and he is a ton of fun! Seth has a great big smile and loves to tell jokes and tease people (wonder where he gets that from....). He also loves to learn, and asks great questions. We learn so much from him while he recites to me all of the random facts about some animal he is learning about. Seth loves stuffed animals and has a huge collection, mostly animals from national parks that we have visited.

Seth is always willing to take a photo.

Seth's latest stuffed animal.

Seth is still our pickiest eater, but he loves breakfast foods like pancakes and crepes. He started drinking carbonated drinks this year. For the longest time it was lemonade or nothing, but now he will enjoy rootbeer with his older brothers.

He is also our most outgoing child and is able to get along with adults and kids very quickly. Seth is not afraid to go up to someone and talk to them. He is our only child who has this skill.

Seth still likes to dress up and play. I hope he will always enjoy playing and having fun. He is the best model for all our adventure pictures at Utah's Adventure Family. He also loves to take his own pictures on our phones, and edit them as much as possible. 

We are excited at the wonderful young man Seth is growing up to be. He blesses our family every day!

Seth is so grown up now!

At least 10 of these every week on the phone!

And then most of them end up looking like this.

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