Wednesday, May 15, 2024

April Adventures

April was a fun month. We started with a trip to Arches, and then baseball began, but we were able to squeeze in a few adventures and a lot of fun time together.

It wouldn't be a post without a fun selfie from Seth.

Seth is letting his hair grow long and it takes awesome pics.

We were able to see part of the solar eclipse.

It was a little cloudy, which made the pictures even more awesome.

Seth looking stylish in the eclipse glasses.

Mom loves the Tulip Festival and went two different times to see the flowers. She will probably go again in May, too!

One of Mom's favorite times of the year.

This was her favorite spot.

Second visit!

Mom also snuck in a trip to see the blossoms at the State Capitol.

We went to walk through the Taylorsville Temple. It was very nice! We timed our visit just right to avoid the rain and the crowds. 

The temple is really pretty.

Such beautiful flowers.

We all went to Cross E Ranch for their Spring Festival and to see the baby animals. They host such a fun event, and we loved spending time with the animals, especially the goats. They climbed right on top of everyone. This farm also had a fun tulip field.

The chicks were so cute!

The calves were soft!

These two goats climbed right onto Randy!

Then they visited Seth!

This goat loved eating Natalie's hair.

They even chewed on Mark's shoelaces.

The lambs were pretty friendly.

One of these guys just got a haircut!!

We loved all the fun activities at the farm.

Such pretty flowers!

Mom wants all the pictures with flowers.

We had a really fun time!

Baseball season hits full swing beginning mid April, so we will do a whole post about baseball soon. Here are a few pics from the start of the season.
Seth and I spend a lot of time at baseball games.

I let our friend Kate take a few pics! This was one of the better shots she got of the boys and her brother.

We have a lot of late nights talking about baseball after the games.

Here are a few more fun moments. 

Mark and Mom went to lunch.

We checked outa new drink shop in Highland.

Mom and Dad went to see Johnson Files Comedy show. It was so good!

Then we ended with treats at The Chocolate!

Seth played really well in his piano recital.

Somehow the boys convinced Mom to play Monopoly! She did not win!

The Pooles came to stay for a few days, and I only took two pictures!

But we had a lot of fun hanging with cousins!

Every month we organize ward temple night. Here is one of the outings!

One sister took pictures of everybody. 

We love being in the temple together!

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