Saturday, August 10, 2024

Bryce Canyon Day 1

In March we went to Capitol Reef for a few days. Then we visited Arches and Canyonlands on Spring Break. When we got the opportunity to spend a few days in Bryce Canyon, we jumped at the chance! 

The day after Dax's Red Sox won the city tournament and Seth's Rangers qualified for state, we headed south. We got a late start because the fence guys came that morning and set the posts for the fence on the south side of our property. That meant that we didn't arrive at Ruby's Inn until after 4:30. After checking into the hotel, we went to their big restaurant. They have a gorgeous buffet, but we opted for the steak and shrimp (Dad and Dax for the steak and Mom and Mark for shrimp). The food was really good, and Seth even shared an item or two from the buffet with the rest of us.

Oh Seth!

After dinner, we drove out through the national park. It was pretty quiet because clouds had rolled in, and most of us opted for jackets as we did Bristlecone Loop Trail. It was a short mile, and the wind was blowing enough that we had to hold onto our hats. Still, the first hike in every national park is magical.

It was so windy!

Mom's hair was crazy!

This trail has some nice views.

Mom and Dad are adorable.

Bristlecone Loop!

We like to stop at the overlooks on the scenic drive, and the arch is our favorite one.

Of course, by the end of the hike, it was getting later, but that didn't stop us from stopping for some ice cream. Seth was also able to convince us to go swimming for a few minutes, but it was chilly. So Dax and Seth didn't last too long in the pool.

Ruby's Inn has a cute little old west town with an ice cream shop.

It was a nice evening despite the chill.


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