Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Mirror Lake Day 3

The last day we spotted Gray Jays!

We really enjoyed our camp site. There were Clark’s Nutcrackers chittering everywhere. Both chipmunks and squirrels visited us after every meal to see if we dropped anything. Best of all, there was a fair amount of shade during most of the day. We kept a crackling fire busy almost all the time we were around camp, too. 


We woke up early on Tuesday morning. For breakfast, we had eggs and bacon from the campstove. Then we worked on packing up camp. The boys were such good helpers that we had everything loaded in the truck by 9:30. 

Starting right at our campsite, there was a trail that ran one mile to Lake Bonnie. It was on this trail that Mark and Dad had seen the weasels. Everyone wanted to walk out and see if they could spot them. We didn't have any luck with weasels, but it was a really nice walk to the lake. The Uintas are so peaceful, and the morning was still cool. It was a really nice hike.

There are some little ponds along this trail.

Mark really wanted to find those weasels to show the family.

Bonnie Lake was a beautiful spot.

Mom loves hiking with the boys.

The boys love taking pictures of Mom and Dad.

The boys were such great kids on this camping trip.

Mom loves moments like this.

Seth loves this pose.

Our last adventure was to a place called Lake Alexander. We wouldn't have dared it in the van, but with the truck, we thought we could make it over the dusty, rocky, forest roads. However, our map wasn't very helpful and we ended up turning around in a thick stand of trees in the middle of nowhere. We were glad everything was covered with a tarp, because there was dust everywhere! We never found the lake, either. 

This is the only picture Mom took of the crazy adventure.

Finally, we gave up and rather than unpacking the truck to get to the cooler, we had a late lunch at Wendy's in Heber. We got home around three o'clock and soon had the truck unloaded and returned. We had such a great time in the Uintas, and it was so much cooler than the valley. It reminded us that we need to camp more often!

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