Thursday, March 30, 2023

Hattie's Baptism

Hattie is the cutest.

For the first weekend of March, we drove to Vegas for Hattie's baptism. We left on Friday after school. With the time change into Nevada, it was pretty late when we got there. Still the kids played for a few minutes before climbing into bed on the air mattresses.

On Saturday morning, everyone started to gather. The Ferlans, the Ockeys, and both sets of grandparents joined the Poole's for the baptism. It was really nice, and Mom got to serve as a witness for the first time. Hattie was adorable in her special dress from Grandma. It was made from the bottom of Mom's wedding dress. 

Afterward, we took some family photos and then headed back for lunch. Jonny made several homemade pasta sauces, and the boys were really excited! He always cooks us up something delicious when we visit! Mom had made mint brownies at Hattie's request, so they were extra excited to eat those.

The Ferlans stayed at our house on the way down and we loved seeing James again.

Grandma and Randy have the best smiles!

We love spending time with family!

It was fun to see my beautiful wedding dress put to good use.

Mark and Ben are buds.

Most of the boy cousins, plus a few uncles.

We are loving spending so much time with James!

James definitely gets lots of attention!

The kids played and hung around. They lifted weights and went on a walk with the dog. Mom and Dad stayed up late playing games with Tiff and Jonny, of course! 

We played Werewolf and Ben was a werewolf twice. H even won one game! It was awesome!

The next day we had planned to head right home, but we found out two important things: 

1. Jonny was speaking in church.

2. Jonny was cooking his pork roast that he'd made last time we visited.

So obviously we had to stay. We loved Jonny's talk. He did a fantastic job speaking about grace. And we loved his pork, too! Everyone ate well, and then we headed home. We didn't get home until 11:00 pm, but it was a fun trip and worth it!

It's always hard to say goodbye to the cousins!

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