Monday, July 22, 2024

Mayhem Again!

May is busy with baseball and end of school events. But we still seem to squeeze in a ton of adventures amid all of the craziness. Here are some adventures from May!

We walked through the Layton Open House, and we loved this temple. The inside was beautiful and we were grateful that they had a few speaking parts, too. This was definitely a favorite new temple!

The Layton Temple as a family

Dad snapped this cute photo of Mom.

We had the chance to go to Monster Jam. Despite all of us not really wanting to go, we had a blast. It was WAY more fun than we thought. We would all definitely go again.

Not sure what we think of this event yet!

Afterward--loved it!!

It was loud and so fun!

Seth especially had a great time!

Dad's student told him about the baby owls living in his backyard and invited him over to see them. Mom and Dad went to scope it out and spotted Mom and Dad and the two babies, but it was pretty dark. So we took the boys back a few days later and got some great pics of the owlets. They were adorable!

Seth and Mom went on a few adventures together. First they went to check out the Unchartered Worlds exhibit at Thanksgiving Point. It has huge animated dinosaurs and bugs and other such creatures. We had a great time walking through together. Seth also takes great pictures.

Seth is still a great adventure buddy!

He willingly poses for all the pictures!

We loved the Utah Raptor!

I love this pic of Seth.

The second adventure we did was to check out the Alpine poppies. They were in full bloom and beautiful. It was a nice morning and not busy!

Seth and Mom at the poppy fields.

Seth and his poses!

The poppies were perfect. 

Mom and Mark went to the high school baseball championship game. Lehi was playing Corner Canyon, their biggest rivals. We went to watch his buddy TJ as starting pitcher. Unfortunately, this game in the series did not go well. Lehi lost tying the series at 1-1, so there was a deciding game. Mom went home because it was raining, but Mark stayed and Lehi ended up winning! It has been fun to watch Lehi win so many championships.

Mom and Mark love supporting our purple Lehi.

The rainbow was nice, but the rain was not.

Here are some other fun pics from the month of May.

It wouldn't be a monthly post without Seth's selfies.

Mom's dad came to stay for a few days and catch a bunch of baseball games. It was fun to spend time with Grandpa Daniels.

Seth buzzed his head for summer.

Mark and Mom have been volunteering at the food pantry and Mark put together a shelf for them.

Mom and Dad love going to the theater and this show was a good one!

I wish this was a video, but they are all singing and dancing!

Mom and Dad went to play pickleball one day with Mark. 

Mom wasn't half bad, but Mark destroyed her.

Mom stayed up all night at grad night helping the PTA. This was the only picture she took. It's water in the cup and her favorite mint brownie!

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