Saturday, July 27, 2024

Seth and Dax Finally Get Pets

Dad is not exactly a pet person. In fact, he swore off ever having anything larger than a fish years ago. So it was quite a surprise when Dax and Seth told him they'd saved up a bunch of money for chicks and he actually agreed. Since the boys had been officiating soccer and making good money, they had plenty to contribute. 

First, they picked out a little coop. Then they started to get the yard ready. The trampoline had to go. They bought chicken wire and stakes, and Mom chipped in a large net. Then they got food and a feeder. Finally, they were ready to bring home some chicks. 

We went to IFA and Mom picked out a yellow chick that turned out to be the largest. We named her Sunny, because "the big yellow one is the sun!" Dad picked out a speckled chicken and named her Pebble, because his mom had a chicken of the same name. Dax picked out a brown striped chicken and named her Chocolate Thunder, rejecting Dad's suggestion of Captain Squeakers. And Seth picked out a tiny little tan chicken that he named Skittle. We brought them home and introduced them to their new home.



Chocolate Thunder


Pebble and Sunny were fast friends, and they squawked each time they were separated. Chocolate Thunder became Dax's shoulder buddy, nestling on his neck and falling asleep each day. Skittle put up with all Seth's stroking and cuddling and became his good friend. She is the tiniest and chases the other chickens like a little sister. 

It didn't take long for Mom to like the chickens most. We were keeping them in the coop in the kitchen, and she was constantly sneaking peeks at them and giving them little treats. It took a little while for them to figure out she wasn't trying to poison them, but soon, she became their favorite, too (except Chocolate Thunder).

The chicks are adorable!

Chocolate loved to be on top of the food and water.

She also learned to fly out of the coop the soonest.

Dax loves this little chick.

These two napped together a lot.

When chicks sleep they sleep right on their face. 

Seth loves the chicks, too.

Now the chickens take up a lot of our time (and money). Most of their chicken run was made of recycled parts, but by the time we got the automatic door, the chicken run, and shade all built, we'd overspent the boys budget. Still, it has been fun watching the boys bond with their birds.
Skittle likes to sit on your fingers.

Mom loved having Pebble and Sunny sit with her.

Seth would hang out with all the chickens.

Chicks love to be high up, so they always want to climb on your head or shoulder.

Now the chickens are outside and getting so big!

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