Friday, September 10, 2021

June Fun

June was busy with baseball and our bi-annual Yellowstone trip, but we fit in a lot of other fun, too. 

We started the summer off with some basketball camps. Seth went to a little camp with some of his friends and Dax went to the basketball camp at the high school. They both had a lot of fun. Dax played really well in the tournament that started with about 50 kids. He made it to the final 4, but had to miss the last day of his camp because of a baseball tournament, so we will never know how he would have done in the final 4 of the tournament. 

Seth loves basketball just like his brothers.

We are so proud of Dax.

Dad invented a fun new way of playing hide and seek at the park. Whoever is it, takes the cell phone and has to take a picture of the person before they get away. Our boys love it, and the pictures actually turn out super fun. We play it at all the bigger parks now.

Dax looks so different with long hair and braces.

Dad tried to get away, but he was caught!

Mom just smiles while she hides.

Seth went underneath the playground. Sneaky!

Mark wasn't quite fast enough to escape the camera.

Mom and the boys went to Thanksgiving Point to visit the big Lego sculptures that were on display while Dad worked the first week of summer. We had a great time and the boys got to roll down the big hill, so they were happy.
We also raised some more butterflies this year and released them.

The Lego sculptures were amazing!

We all liked this peacock.

Dax's favorite was this buck.

I was impressed with this Lego display for pictures.

Everyone survived rolling down the hill, but Mom didn't roll.

Dax's friend and teammate had a birthday party at the Lehi pool and Seth was invited, too. For some reason I have lots of pictures of Seth, and only a few videos of Dax. 

If you read some of our previous posts, then you know that Mark broke his arm. It was a sad time for him, but we all did enjoy riding the electric bikes through Provo Canyon up to Bridal Veil Falls. Here are some happy pictures before the broken arm incident.
The ride to the waterfall was fun.

Mom always has her backpack on adventures.

Seth did really well on the scooter.

Mark with two working arms. 

It was a lot of fun!

The rest of June was a little quieter with one child having a broken arm, and we were preparing to spend the last week in Yellowstone. We did celebrate Dad for Father's Day! Randy is the best dad and husband, and we are the lucky ones who get to spend so much time with him.
We got to spend a night at Girls Camp and wear these awesome bright pink shirts.

Randy got a coconut cream pie for Father's Day. 

And Ribs!

We stopped at Peach City on the way home from Yellowstone.  

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