Sunday, September 12, 2021

Mark's Birthday

Mark with his birthday trifle.

Mark turned 15 this year! Every year is shocking to us since he is our oldest. As he gets older, that means we get lots older, too.

We had our annual 4th of July BBQ, but lots of people were traveling, so it was a little smaller this year. We were glad that Laurie and Glen and their family could come, as well as Grandpa Ockey. Mark asked for trifle for his birthday treat, and everyone was happy about that.

Mark is 15! So big and old!

Be glad that you can't hear the singing going on.

Mark got his own electric bike like Dax's since he'd mentioned how much he enjoyed riding Dax's about a dozen times. We thought about returning it after he broke his arm on a similar bike, but this one is small and doesn't go as fast as the mountain bike he crashed. 

We didn't even go watch fireworks. We were pretty sad this year, but mostly we were exhausted from our trips and baseball all weekend.

Mark has his own electric bike to ride around the neighborhood.

We did catch a few fireworks in our neighborhood.

The biggest part of Mark's birthday came the next week when he went with Mom to the DMV to take his learner permit test so he could start learning to drive. He passed and has been driving a little bit every day. Mark is responsible, so we know he will be a great driver. But it is hard to sit on the other side of the car! 

We are so lucky to have Mark as our oldest child. He is responsible and helpful. Everyone knows that they can count on Mark. He is a great student and is kind to everyone. The best compliment that we received about Mark came from a kid on Dax's team. He is a year older than Dax, so he goes to the Junior High. Dax said, "I think you know my brother Mark from school or Knowledge Bowl. His name is Mark Ockey." The boy replied, "Yes, I know Mark. He is the nicest 9th grader at the school." My heart was so proud when Dax shared that story. We love Mark and the great young man he has become.

Fourth of July family pic

Passed the test and ready to go!

This is an accurate depiction of how I feel riding in the passenger seat
even though Mark is driving great.

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