Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cookie Mania!

We have been making way too many cookies around here. There are a few reasons why this has become a problem. One, Mark and Dax love making cookies. They drag their chairs next to the counter and help add all the ingredients. Second, we all love eating cookies. This is a major problem since it is not helping Randy or Natalie lose weight. Third, I usually have someone to make cookies for. This week it was for the Primary teachers--I had all the teachers in Senior Primary. That might not seem like a lot, but in my ward it is 16 people. So I made 4 different kinds of cookies, wrapped them up, and delivered them with my family. Finally, my friend in my ward has a great website with lots of recipes. She makes amazing things (you don't want to miss Relief Society meetings around here). I have been looking through her recipes and I always find a cookie recipe that I want to try. You can check it out yourself (Stephanie's Kitchen). Anyway, we love cookies! And I loved these two pictures of the boys making cookies this week and wanted to share!

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