Thursday, December 24, 2015

Private Nativity

The librarian at my school invited me to a private Nativity that she and her family put on every year. I felt lucky to have our family be one of the 3,000 or so people that were invited. The Nativity was really cool, and each of the actors wrote their own parts. After free hot chocolate, we started with a visit to the shepherds who were seeking the Christ child. We gathered around the fire and sat on haybales as they played a violin solo and sent us off in the right direction toward Bethlehem.

Our next stop was at the Inn, where we met the inn keeper's wife. She told us she'd take us to the stable. On the way there, we heard the testimonies of the wise men and the experience of the shepherds who had actually seen the Child. As we neared the stable, a host of angels high in the air (on a haystack) burst into song. We stopped and listened for a few minutes and then entered the stable.
They truly looked like angels in the sky!
Mary and Joseph quoted from the First Presidency's message on the Savior, and their tiny sweet baby was quiet and beautiful through the whole performance.

Mary and Joseph were so sincere in what they said. It touched our hearts.
It was really nice, and we liked it every bit as much as the Alpine Nativity. Maybe we'll get invited again!
There were sheep, horses, and a donkey to see.

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