Saturday, May 30, 2020

Dax's Birthday!!

Dax is double ones!
Dax turned 11 this year! He is such a fun kid, and so sweet. All he wanted to do was go fishing. So we made a plan to go fishing even though we didn't have much success. This is the only year that Dax won't be in school on his birthday. He was so excited!!

Unfortunately, we did help Dad in his class for a little bit, so he was still in the school building. Dax didn't have to do any schoolwork, though. Melanie sent him some money to go out for his birthday. Dax chose In-N-Out. We grabbed lunch and then headed to Highland Glen Park for fishing.

It ended up being cold and windy, so we gave up on fishing after not too long. We are trying to improve our fishing game. Hopefully it happens soon! Dax still had a happy attitude.

We had a relaxing, easy rest of the day. Dax got lots of basketball related gifts since he loves basketball. Lots of people called to wish him Happy Birthday. Dax requested chocolate sheet cake and neapolitan ice cream. This was a new request since he usually wants mint brownies or strawberry short cake.

Dax is a wonderful young man. He is the first one to forgive and the first one to try and help someone who is upset. Dax is stubborn, which is good and bad. He sticks to his guns, so he always stands for the right, but man he won't budge on certain things like wearing jeans. Dax has a strong testimony and is so faithful. He sets a good example for all of us. Dax is a great athlete, musician, and student. He is so speedy! We love having Dax in our family.
Seth couldn't wait to give Dax his present.
With Corona Virus, we had to pick up In-N-Out at the drive thru.
Dax always has a smile when he is fishing.
Dax has grown up so much this past year. 
Dax got a new basketball hoop for dunking indoors. 
Dax loves to give and receive presents.
Happy birthday Dax!

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