Friday, May 8, 2020


Easter was wonderful this year. We had so much time to spend together that we were able to really enjoy the holiday. The first thing that we did was some Easter Egg hunts for people in our neighborhood. We filled eggs while wearing gloves, and hid them around several yards. We signed our name instead of being anonymous just so people weren't scared of where the eggs came from, which was another corona caution. The boys still loved to ring the doorbell and run. Everyone was all smiles while we did this service project. We were able to surprise 12 families.
We had a little sign to leave on the doorstep and 18 eggs each.
Sometimes the boys didn't want to go until they got there.
Then they were so excited.
We hid most of the eggs so they were pretty easy to find
It was fun to get out of the house and do a little service.
Hopefully they enjoyed thinking about other kids.
On the Friday before Easter, President Nelson asked everyone to fast for relief from the worldwide pandemic. All of us participated, even Seth. He had a little snack around lunchtime, but made it to dinner without eating much. We were proud of the boys for joining in the fast. We broke our fast with our Passover Dinner (one day late). It was amazing to sit around and tell stories of Jesus and talk about His life as we ended our fast and prepared for Easter. This is one of our favorite traditions.
It's not totally traditional, but the different foods help us to have a unique experience.
We always eat in an "upper room."
We made sugar cookies, too!
Lots of frosting, and down it goes!
Mom asked Dad to pose for a picture with his rocket cookie.
On Saturday we dyed Easter Eggs. Mom boiled a bunch of eggs this year, so everyone got to dye a lot. Now that the boys are bigger, this tradition has become much easier and enjoyable. We made some fun eggs. We also painted some Easter bunny paintings. There were a few tears, but they turned out so cute.
The boys like this activity.
Dax is always up to something creative.
Seth uses the hold and dip method.
Mark made a football egg.
Seth didn't want us to eat any of his creations.
Everybody chose their favorite egg to show in the picture.
We got the paint kits from a local business.
They turned out so cute, and we can put them out every Easter!
Easter was special this year since we had church right in our own home. We were able to partake of the sacrament and everyone shared a spiritual thought. It was simple and peaceful. The boys got a puzzle in their Easter baskets, so we had fun doing the new geography puzzles. Dad also had everyone rolling eggs down a board and even down the stairs. Everyone laughed and had fun. It was a great day!
All dressed up and nowhere to go (literally!)
We had some really competitive races.
The gap in the middle helped prepare the eggs for eating!
The geography puzzles are helping them learn their countries.
Each Sunday we have a Zoom call with the family.
Everyone is wearing the masks Grandma Daniels made.
Mom always makes ham and rolls for Easter.

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