Thursday, June 28, 2012

Timp Cave

Hey, this is Randy:

We went to Timpanogos Cave today as blogged about on our other blog. There were way too many cute pictures for that blog, though, so I decided to put a few on here.

You'll notice Natalie is absent. We wouldn't let her make the hike. The boys and I had fun, though.

Be sure to check back for baby news tomorrow. We go in at 5:15 am tomorrow. We will try to put up some pics by 9.

Dax couldn't wait start the hike. Too bad we had to wait for over an hour!

"Is that the cave, Dad? Cool!" 

"This cave is great, Dad!"

"Now this MUST be the cave, Dad. I love it."

Do we look like we climbed a mountain?

"This is the cave, right, Dad? You said we were there!"

How come all the best pictures are the ones they don't know you took?

Now we're in the cave, he doesn't really seem so excited.

Nice, Mark. Nice.

See Mark's Junior Ranger Badge and Dax's patch?

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