Sunday, May 18, 2014

Dax's Preschool Graduation

Technically, Dax isn't graduating into Kindergarten. He is graduating into another preschool because we have decided to wait a year before sending our boys to school, but his graduation was still awesome. I will miss his teacher, Miss Tina, next year because she really puts her heart and soul into her preschool.

Dax's graduation was a lot of fun. First, they sang some of their favorite songs. Then they performed a nursery rhyme with a partner, and finally they graduated in cap and gown. Dax said his part without resistance this time and he had so much fun performing. I am proud of how Dax has grown in his confidence this year.

Here are a few favorite pictures from the program and two short videos with highlights from the night.

Dax's Preschool Class

Dxc is all ready to go...I'm not sure that Foster is.

Tooty Ta is a silly song.

I loved their ABC rock song.

Dax and Esther really got into their rockstar roles.

Dax and Kamryn performed Little Miss Muffet together.
This was fun because she is our friend and old neighbor.

Dax graduated!

Thanks Miss Tina!

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