Friday, November 24, 2023

Fish Lake Day 1

Sometimes we’re afraid that we spoil these kids. Should we really be taking them somewhere every time we get a four-day weekend? Probably not, but we decided to go to Fish Lake for Fall Break anyway. None of us had ever been, even though Dad’s family has some roots there. We looked up a good cabin that had four queen beds, and booked it.

On Thursday morning, we left just after lunch. It’s around 2.5 hours to Fish Lake from the Wasatch Front, so we knew we’d arrive around check-in time around 3 o’clock. Since there was quite a bit of traffic on the 1-15, we decided to take the slightly longer route through Ephraim. We stopped for just a few minutes to see the progress of the temple, and to run up the tree at Snow College. We should have planned together for a stop at Roys. 

The Ephraim temple is becoming a temple.

Only Mark was able to run up the tree, but we had fun trying!

When we arrived at Fish Lake, it seemed that everything was deserted for the season, which suited us just fine. The weather was absolutely perfect, around 60 degrees.

First, we checked out the salmon. It is the very end of the run, but we still saw a few dozen swimming up the stream at Twin Creeks just down from the lodge. We walked the boardwalks and watched them swimming bright red in the water.

There were bits of Fall still hanging on around Fish Lake.

We love watching the salmon swim up stream.

The boardwalks next to the creek were nice.

Mom especially loves this activity.

After a while, the boys decided that they needed to go fishing. Dax and Seth loaded up their hooks with cheese, but Mark is too impatient for that, so he tied on a fly. After a few casts, he noticed some small fish chasing his fly back to the bank. Finally, one hit, and he reeled it in. It was only about 6 inches long, but he was really excited! Of course, the other boys had to switch over to flies. Soon, everyone was reeling in fish between 4-8 inches long. Seth caught a couple before giving up and heading back over to watch the salmon. Mark and Dax caught around 5 each, bringing our total to a dozen. It was really fun!

Fish Lake is a nice area in Utah.

Dax is always a very determined fisherman.

Seth is more of a casual fisherman who reads next to a fishing pole.

Mark had a lot of success with the fly fishing.

Even Dad gave it a try!

Dax caught some fish, too.

Back at the cabin, Mom made pasta and meatballs. We ate quickly and left the dishes for later. Then we drove out to see some animals. We spotted a few deer, and flirted with a beaver, but mostly it stayed underwater. On the way back, we were going about 35 mph when a deer ran out in front of us. We came within a whisker of hitting it, but luckily, we didn’t harm the deer or the van. 

Back at the cabin, we cleaned up the dishes and had a brownie. Mom and Mark listened to a great-horned owl on the porch, while Seth and Dax watched a little TV. Since we missed that deer, it really was a perfect day!

These are some deer that we saw before the scary incident.

It was a lovely evening!

Mom and Dad snuck out to look at the stars.

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