Thursday, May 26, 2016

Dax's Birthday!

Dax turned 7 this year. I can't believe he is getting so old and that he will be getting baptized for his next birthday. He has grown up so much lately. I am so proud of all the things he has learned to do!

For his birthday, Dax requested a bowling party. So we invited a few of his friends and headed to the bowling alley. It was fun to watch all these boys go bowling, and unfortunately Dax ended up with the worst score. I think Seth might have come out on top! It was fun. Then we headed back to the house for pizza, mint brownies, presents, and a few games.
Dax is turning 7! Can you guess his favorite color?
We had a sports party because our whole life is sports around here!
This is the bowling crew! Seth, Dax, Noah, Mark, Liam, Geoffrey, and Seamus.
The next day, we went to Brick Oven to celebrate Dax's birthday dinner. We all love Brick Oven, but especially Dax. He loved being sung to and getting free ice cream!
We all love Brick Oven for birthdays.
Dax got a huge ice cream sundae for his birthday!
Then on Sunday, his actual birthday, we had some family over to eat mint brownies. He told me that he wanted mint brownies instead of cake, but also he wanted a baseball field cake. So I combined the two. Mint brownies baseball field style! If you didn't catch on, Dax is a fan of mint brownies, just like his mama!
Dax was super excited about the real maple syrup he got for his birthday!
He wanted a wallet for his birthday!
Dax loves Bad Kitty books.
Baseball field mint brownies!
Dax is such a happy kid. We are so lucky to have his cheerful, giving spirit in our home. He is also the most stubborn child we have. He will not budge an inch if he is determined to have his way. On those days, Dax can drive us all a little crazy, but hopefully that determination will bless him down the road. Happy 7th Birthday to Dax!

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