Sunday, July 8, 2012


We're heading home!
Seth was cleared to come home! We are so excited. We had to learn how to care for his incision (no baths and watch for infection), when to give him his medicine (only a diuretic and Tylenol), and what signs to watch for that his heart is not doing well. We scheduled a follow up appointment for 10 days from today and they want us to see our normal pediatrician this week for our regular 2 week check up.

Then Seth needed to have his IV taken out. The last piece of hardware left from the hospital stay. It only took a few minutes and then they took off the monitors. No more wires. It was awesome to nurse him without him being attached to anything. There was a lot of down time as they gathered things up for us to take home (bandages, syringes, information sheets, my pumped milk). Finally at 1:00 pm we walked down the stairs and out to the car.

A whole new adventure is about to begin.

It has been a long nine days.


  1. Yeah!!!! So excited. Let us know when we can come and visit, but no rush either! We know how tired you must be.

  2. That is so great that he is home!! Yeah!!

  3. So grateful that you are home! Our kids have been so eager to hear about Seth's progress--we are thankful that so many prayers have been heard and answered.

  4. WAHOO!! Super happy for you all, good luck!!

  5. Oh I'm just so happy for you! That sweet little guy is in the best hands possible. Love you guys so much!


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